
Sea Turtles

I live in a nature documentary 150 minutes out of every week.

Today is a prime example.

I'm taking a class entitled Living With Wildlife. It's a pretty awesome class, all things considered. Our grade is partially dependent upon our completion of the Hunter's Education course. We are required to participate in a service project connected with wildlife. We get to meet a grey wolf later in the semester. There are potentially disgusting labs that I'm actually looking forward to. Really, I think this will be one of my favorite classes all semester.

Today, however, we were introduced to the topic that will be discussed in class the next few weeks. 

Sea Turtles.

Pretty awesome, right? 

Well, I'm sure it has awesome potential. Today, however, was not the kind of awesome I was going for, although it was pretty awesome...

The lecture starts with a beautiful description of the Hawaiian islands. (Hooked the entire class with this one.) Then comes the introduction of the sea turtles. Pretty standard stuff: size, weight, color. 

However, then my professor begins to explain the love-making logistics of these green sea turtles. In story-telling format. For example: "Now, the male (insert description of love-making parts here) latches on so tightly, clutching on with the claws on his front flippers. He doesn't want to fall off."


So, for a glorious 75 minutes today, we talked about the exhaustion, the drama, the quest, the heartache of the Honu Sea Turtles' love-making.

We'll be back after these messages...

1 comment:

Carmel said...

LOL too funny! must have been an interesting class....