
Christmas Morning

Our morning, which lasted all day into the evening, was quite delightful.

There were gifts…

for dad,
and for mom…

and the anticipation while parents where sleeping…

and then, one of the most waited events of the day...
no, not santa's arrival, but…

A skype from a missionary!

Isn't technology wonderful?

we linked skype to the tele and talked to Elder Carter for almost 2 hours.  We got to see his twinkling eyes, and hear his contagious laugh.  We even were serenaded by he and his companion Elder Konelio.  It was a wonderful duet of Silent Night.  Talk about Christmas cheer!

Then, a few more pictures to highlight the day.  Merry Christmas to you all.  We hope you are surrounded by those you love.

It was a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Brad said...

Happy Christmas Carters! We miss you!