
Love Elder Carter...

Last week there was a mishap in the email transmission... so we were glad to hear from Elder Carter this week! Here's a few words from the man himself...

aCK!! i'M so bummed you didn't get my e-mail! It was long and filled with all sorts of details that I don't remember... these computers are super slow so i sent it with 45 seconds left. Obviously it didn't send like it was supposed to. And I don't remember what I said either... Sorry... But other than that, i will send it with 2 minutes left today :) I'm glad that the house is almost brown! I think you should paint it sunset orange with seafoam green borders... or green and yellow. I saw a house like that here and it was so pretty! PS the houses here are so so cheep. We saw one for sale so we called in on it. 5 bedrooms 4 bathroom a movie room a pool plus it was huge. Guess how much? Just a little under 400,000. It would be at least 2 million in logan. But who would want to live in El Paso? (I would!!) the only thing is it isn't by anything. At all... But that's ok. I love it here so much! I'm so proud of your ward. That's so so awesome! I don't remember if i wrote you about it or if it was in the lost epistle... but I'm so proud of you and your ward. The obispo here made certificates for everyone in his ward. Calling them to full time member missionary service. Stake president signed and everything. And he expects them to report to him as well. It's awesome!
Sorry my last letter didn’t make it through. That stinks. El Paso is the best place to serve. I love it here  The members are so awesome. Sister Lee does our laundry, I said I could do it and I was scared for my life. haha This week has been an interesting week. We searched high. And we searched low. We found many new investigators, but we have dropped most of them. But, there is always at least one or two. We set a baptismal date for one lady on the 4th of July!!!! I’m so excited for her!! It’s difficult to find people more than once. But, yesterday we were able to teach another guy for a second time. And it was a long long lesson (2 hours YIKES) But the spirit was strong. He just had so many questions. And he seemed lost at the end of the lesson, because he thinks that everything he has learned in his life thusfar might be (well, most of it is) false. Like when we talked about baptism, how he wasn’t baptized by correct authority. But, if he is confused he’ll go to god. It wasn’t because of what we taught him, it’s because of the different views and feelings. For instance that God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are all separate beings. So, pray for him. Pray that he will go to God. I think that he will. He said that he would come to church with us on Sunday. I the thing is, sometimes you have to bring a building down before you can rebuild it. They did it with the Salt Lake Temple, when the foundation was cracking. Because we must be built on a sure foundation! So, I’m trying something new. Because the internet is so slow, I opened up a word document and started typing this letter to you. Then, while I wait for everything to load, I can tell you what happened this week! I think it sounds like a marvelous plan. I hope you all do too! Haha. So I feel like things are getting much better. Not that it was ever bad to begin with. I think that we are using our time more effectively. Finding people to teach and relying on the spirit. The members here are so helpful and kind. It’s a blessing to be serving with them. There is a kid who is preparing to go on his mission He has come and taught with us a bunch and it has been great for him and for us. He’s a convert to the church and the gospel really changed his life. Because that is what the restored gospel of Jesus Christ does. It heals, lifts, and inspires. It makes the darkest times in your life into learning experiences. It makes your family relations that much more important. It makes you treat everyone with love and a smile. Because we are all brothers and sisters. The people are so special and so loving. I am blessed to be here where I am, serving with those I am serving, and doing the things I am doing. Oh! I don’t think I told you, but I saw a Wind devil my first week here. It blew apart a sign of sheet metal. It was awesome  I have pictures on my memory card, which you may have as soon as I get another one ;) hahaha I should take more pictures while I am here, I’m really bad at it. Oh! And my Spanish Is coming along. I can almost always understand what people are saying. The other day this man was talking about a “fruit salad tree” It is one tree that grows plums, peaches, and apricots ( maybe nectorines) Apparently it blooms 3 different colors and has all three fruits. It sounds like an amazing tree! I bought a bunch of fruit at the store the other day and made a soy without soy for breakfast. It was delicious! I love healthy food. I wish there was more of it. I also have purchased too many ties… I have doubled my collection I brought here. I found a place that sells them for 3 bucks. And then another for 7. The seven are much nicer and thicker. But they are all awesome. I have grown addicted to ties. I am half tempted to buy them all, but I am not that silly. Oh, and I went to a burger place the other day for lunch. It made me miss Center Street Grill. We had some good food there. If you get a chance, or if you ever go there, tell Steph hi for me  And that they have the best burgers not only in UT but in Texas. Haha. I hear they have a 5 dollar special now too. Anyway, I gotta run! I love you all so much. Keep me in your prayers. You are in mine. I love being a missionary it is my favorite.  Love you so so so so much! And have such a blast this week!! Love, Elder Carter

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